Thursday, June 13, 2002, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM | Room: 287

  Moving Towards More Effective Validation
  Chair: Magdy Abadir - Motorola, Inc., Austin, TX
  Organizers: Carl Pixley, Masahiro Fujita

  Designs are becoming more and more complex and thus in order to achieve high functional quality functional validation must become more effective. In this session, several successful approaches are presented towards this end: using formal specification to drive test-generation and coverage, Coverage hole analysis, Simulation-based sequential ATPG and direct/pseudo-random testing and formal verification.

Deriving a Simulation Input Generator and a Coverage Metric From a Formal Specification

  Speaker(s): Kanna Shimizu - Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA
  Author(s): Kanna Shimizu - Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA
David L. Dill - Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA
Hole Analysis for Functional Coverage Data
  Speaker(s): Avi Ziv - IBM Haifa Research Lab., Haifa, Israel
  Author(s): Eitan Marcus - IBM Haifa Research Lab., Haifa, Israel
Shmuel Ur - IBM Haifa Research Lab., Haifa, Israel
Avi Ziv - IBM Haifa Research Lab., Haifa, Israel
Oded Lachish - IBM Haifa Research Lab.,
Effective Safety Property Checking Using Simulation-Based Sequential ATPG
  Speaker(s): Shuo Sheng - Rutgers Univ., Piscataway, NJ
  Author(s): Shuo Sheng - Rutgers Univ., Piscataway, NJ
Koichiro Takayama - Fujitsu Labs. Inc., Sunnyvale, CA
Michael S. Hsiao - Virginia Tech., Blacksburg, VA
A Comaprison of Three Verificationn Techniques: Directed Testing, Pseudo-Random Testing and Property Checking
  Speaker(s): Tim Blackmore - Infineon Tech., Bristol , Great Britain
  Author(s): Mike G. Bartley - Infineon Tech., Bristol , Great Britain
Darren Galpin - Infineon Tech., Bristol, Great Britain
Tim Blackmore - Infineon Tech., Bristol, Great Britain